We had two full days to explore London before we had to head back to Heathrow to officially start our RTW ticket. We headed out on foot as we normally do. Exploring new places on foot allows you to bump into the unexpected along the way and avoid the feeling of being on a strict sight seeing itinerary. We try to avoid the Chevy Chase National Lampoons European vacation experience. With that said, we picked up the free London map at the Easy Hotel the day we arrived and circled some spots of interest and then essentially played connect the dots. We hit up Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Parliament & Big Ben, London Eye, St Paul's Cathedral and Tower Bridge. We stepped off the beaten path along the way and found ourselves on some cobblestone alleyways built before Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
The first night was spent drinking a beer and eating some supermarket food on our hotel bed and the second night we met up with a friend Ryan for some pints of cask conditioned b
eer (hard to find in the US but very common in England pubs) and dinner. Ryan is a friend of a friend from San Francisco we met through our good friends Rob and Betsy. He has been in London working for Gap the past few years and was kind enough to give us the heads up on EasyHotel and also ideas of what to see around London. Thanks Ryan!
We head to Jordan tonight for the next week, looking forward to our first taste of the Middle East. We expect the stories and experiences to pick up as we enter our first unfamiliar country!
Might want to work on removing the "devil" red-eyes, or maybe that was just the "special" beer over there in London
Dang it! Missed you by mere days (Just got an LHR trip...) So glad y'all are having fun.
Sounds very exciting so far!! Enjoy and be safe!! We have been thinking of you two. Always, Lisa, Rob and Elise
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